
Gibson Humbucker Pickups (information)

Hope you’ll find lots of good info here. I did. Vintage Guitars Info’s Gibson PAF (Patent Applied For) Humbucker Pickup Info. Gibson solidbody v...

The eBay "Watch" Post

Update info as per 18th Sep 2012: removed outdated links and older comments. Banane (Franz) I am frequently asked by many of you “Fil, what could...

Updated: SoloDallas.Net T-Shirts. Who Wants Them?

Update as per July 16th, 2012 by Banane (Franz) Dear members, because we a) switched to (though still belongs to us, ...

SoloDallas' "Back In Rack" (lol) With Avid's Eleven Rack™

Well, you haven’t seen me for two days, have you? Certainly you couldn’t care less, I know, and you’re right 🙂 But I was working on this “tune”, if...

Breaking News: Back in Black Tone Found? (AUDIO UPDATE)

Another one, this one is “You Shook Me All Night Long” Same settings as for the solo, guitar on 6-6.5 Slightly different equalization, moved toward...

John Mayer & Keith Urban Live Solo Clip

Whoa, this is something worth watching. Please.

Updated: The "What Do You Want Me To Do Next" Post: Top 10 update

Fil’s Update as of Fri March 18th: Shooting of the first tutorial officially begins. Today will be the day of the Back in Black tutorial. Rhythm a...

More on Mic Techniques (never enough)

Shamless Plug from ProGuitarShop   Mic Techniques Often times, in our quest for the ultimate tone, we guitarists are so focused on finding the pe...

My "SECRET-1" Tone Demo/Review

As my confidence with recording audio and video grows – given all the new technology I have been employing – my hunger for video production grows. ...

Keith Urban's Tour Rehearshal Video

I am not really into Keith Urban, that I need to let you know. So don’t be scared: is not going to turn into country lol I have list...

SoloDallas Lab "Revamped"

Update: re-updated the situation here. Finally, my old (super old!) 1969 (date) 1960A with original and great sounding 25W GreenBack Celestions G12...

How To Bias Your Amp Yourself

Do you know what the bias setting on your amp is? If your tubes burned out, would you know how to get the same sound back as you had before? The am...