SoloDallas® 1971 "CHECKER ROCK" SDG12M25 Impulse Response Bundle
SoloDallas LLC
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1971 4x12 "Checkerboard" G12M25 "T1221" Impulse Response Bundle
Formerly known as the SoloDallas® 1971 "Checkerboard" G12M25 Impulse Response Bundle, the newly rebranded "Checker Rock" is now available for download.
Responses captured from a bone stock vintage 1971 "Checkerboard" 4x12 cabinet with G12M25 "T1221" speakers. These legendary speakers are used on countless classic records/albums, and still widely used today by legendary bands in the studio.
This Microphone IR bundle was tracked in Gam Studios, Belgium. For this new bundle, more creative microphone positions were added, including now finally baffled speaker cabinet sounds. Pictures of each microphone position will be added in the bundle!
This IR bundles features a genuine AML Neve 1073® microphone preamp and include captures (close, off-axis, baffled room,... ) from each of the following legendary microphones:
New IR's with other microphones like the AT4040, AT4047 (AC/DC live microphone),.. are continuously tracked and will be added as free download updates to this bundle.
All files come in 96kHz .WAV format with a 200ms and 500ms length. The download link will be automatically sent after purchase of this pack.
“All product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners, which are not associated or affiliated with SoloDallas or its products. These names are used solely to describe the tonal and sonic characteristics of the products modeled, and no endorsement or sponsorship is implied.”
Please read the MANUAL before buying. We do not recommend using an amplifier or passive attenuator line-out because of the poor quality. We have excellent results (unable to hear a difference with a REAL recording setup) with a Torpedo Two Notes Captor device for example. There are many other active load boxes/attenuators (with buffered line outs) that work perfectly!