Also, another I’d like to submit to your attention is “cool” (as in, nice performance, great players, good cover, great sound, interesting equipment, etc.) YouTube videos. Not only YouTube, can be any internet video actually.
Let me start off with THESE guys: they are Super 400, featuring Greg Martin here:
There’s another one, slightly less video quality, still rocking OUT MASSIVELY.
THIS is how GREAT bands used to sound like in the old times. Loads of feeling, technique which is not meant to show off or impress you on its own, but it is simply transparent, and it used as a mean to transmit and communicate to you. Thank God – or add here your belief or lack of thereof – people like these still exist. This is by far the best clip I have seen in years.
You can post your own favorite ones – including yourself if you think it’s worth attention by the public here – in the comment boxes by means of the “video response feature”.
I will be updating this one when proper “cool” ones catch my interest.
What is the purpose of this post, you might wonder? Why, it’s obvious: to inspire us to play more and better, naturally!
Have fun,