A-HA, so what had I told you? That YOU could submit your own videos on SoloDallas.net. Well this is LIVE right now.
What you need:
• a solodallas.com user account (ANY user account type, i.e., being registered here is enough)
• a YouTube account
• at least a video published there
Once you have all that, IF you want to post away here, simply go to the top down menu “Peformance”, click on “User Videos” and then, input the necessary info on the top right column.
Done. As easy as that. This, will automatically create a “post” like mine, where people can comment and rate just like on my videos.
Post away!
Fil 😉
Please note: actually, you can post ANY youtube video, not only your own YouTube videos. PLEASE remember that I will be checking these, and in order to keep decency, our clean community and unspoken/unwritten rules of conduct I may take the liberty to edit/delete some videos if I don’t seem them fit here in our home. And I say, “our” home, not mine.
ANY musical video will be welcome. Political, sexual contents will be instead banned immediately. ANY video that may spur anti-social behavior will be banned. I want love to permeate here, not hate. Please keep this in mind. Will never allow improper content to sit here at solodallas.com, no matter the dimensions of this place.
Thank you, Fil